Cook Like a Bad Ass On a Budget

Learn some key tips and tricks, and cook like a bad ass on a budget

For our second date, my partner wanted to cook for me.

A full menu with appetizer, dinner, and dessert was in store. I was impressed, and told myself I’d go easy on him. I’d had boyfriends try to cook for me in the past, only to sneak in some fast food on my way home. But I promised to approach this dinner date at my place with an open mind. It was sweet how he was trying to impress me. The least I could do was go easy on him.

When he came to my front door with a blowtorch, I had concerns.

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A Cautionary Consumer Tale | My Friend Bob

A high debt, consumer driven lifestyle is more dangerous than we realize.

Going against the grain of our consumer-driven, materialistic society is difficult. Most are a slave to “more”, going deeper in debt to get fancy cars, stylish clothes and expensive homes. Being focused on paying down debt, increasing savings and building passive income for investment is not mainstream. Many want to look rich, but not be rich. But this debt building lifestyle that many take for granted is more dangerous than we realize. To illustrate, I present this real-life, cautionary consumer tale of my friend Bob*.

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Welcome to Just One Percent Better

Welcome to Just One Percent Better, where we make each day just one percent better than the day before.

How can we escape the rat race and lead a more meaningful, fulfilling, and healthy life? We can start by setting our intentions and taking some risks. Making each day just one percent better.

Just one percent better challenges you to question the societal norm. Our consumer-driven society chains us to jobs we don’t love, so we can pay off the debt for things we don’t need. We can choose to be a little bit better everyday. Start by being frugal and intentional with our spending. Then get back in touch with self-sufficiency, valuing our friends and family, and putting our health first.

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