Habits That Make Me Happier | Q4 2020

Building habits that enhance your intentions can add happiness to your life. Here's a look at habits that made me happier in Q4 2020.

In the pursuit of a life that’s just one percent better everyday, I like to reflect on how I spend my time daily and tweak when needed. Time is that ultimately precious resource, and I want to make a conscious effort not to waste mine. So every few months I take a moment and reflect on what is and is not adding value to my life, and adjust as needed. While this is typically an exercise done in solitude and only shared with close family, I enjoyed sharing these habits back in September. Re-evaluating my goals and supporting habits publicly is a bit daunting, but the benefit of sharing habits that make me happier is worth it.

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Revisiting A FIRE Classic | Early Retirement Extreme Audiobook

Early Retirement Extreme: A Philosophical and Practical Guide to Financial Independence - now available as an audiobook!

To say I am a fan of Jacob at Early Retirement Extreme (ERE)is an understatement. While I’m not one to gush, I deeply revere his book, Early Retirement Extreme: A Philosophical and Practical Guide to Financial Independence. And when I heard an audiobook version was available a decade after his book’s original release, I had to revisit this old friend.

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Life After Financial Independence | Some Things I Never Expected

Financial independence brought an unexpected mental shift in many areas of my life.

The sudden onset of Financial Independence was a huge adjustment for me, and I found myself going through several emotions as I coped with this changed mindset and lifestyle. While adjusting to lack of structure and a shift in my social circle didn’t come as a surprise, there were plenty of mindset and lifestyle changes that I would have never expected.

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Life After Financial Independence | How to Cope

Life after financial independence has its ups and downs. Here's how to cope with the emotional stages of FI

I wasn’t really prepared for life after leaving the rat race of my corporate job. My exit came a couple years before I planned due to a toxic work environment, and the realization that I actually had enough passive income to get by. Life after financial independence has had its ups and downs for me. And there’s a lot that no one really warns you about. Coping with Financial Independence came in stages for me, stages that may or may not be the same for everyone. But worth sharing.

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