Begin Your Journey

Pillars of Becoming Just One Percent Better

Start becoming just one percent better everyday! Delve into each of the fundamentals driving my pursuit of a better life. We’re not going for perfection. We are just improving our lives a little bit everyday. Living our best lives and become the best version of ourselves.

Watch Me Become Just One Percent Better Everyday

I try new things out and see what adds happiness to my life. Sometimes I try out a new hobby. I continuously try to improve my physical health. I’ll learn a new skill and try to become more self-sustaining. Or I’ll change my habits to pinch pennies or improve the environment. And given the opportunity, I seize the day and go on an adventure and relish the moment!

Interested in joining me on these micro experiments in getting the most out of life? Follow my blog to see how I try to become just one percent better everyday.