Tips to Reduce Paper Waste and Save Some Cash

The COVID-19 pandemic gave us an opportunity to reevaluate paper usage and reduce paper waste.

When the 2020 pandemic of COVID-19 first made headlines, I expected it to impact our lives. I did not foresee or understand the toilet paper shortage of March, 2020. In times of uncertainty or when facing an unforeseen global crisis, we can either panic or lean in. My household chose the latter, and re-evaluated our disposable paper usage, which led us to drastically reduce paper waste and save on some of our monthly expenses.

This wasn’t how I thought that change would go down.

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Abandon Consumerism

Choose to embrace experiences and abandon consumerism

“The more cluttered the closet, the emptier the life”

Old Money, New Woman : How to Manage Your Money and Your Life ~ Byron Tully

Do you remember what gifts you got for your birthday two years ago?

Do you remember what you did and who you spent your birthday with two years ago?

Personally, I rarely remember the things I get. But I almost always remember the experiences I had, the friends and family I spent special days with. Shiny new things have a way of making you happy in the moment, and getting stuffed into the back of a closet a few months later.

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